There are multiple communications tools inside of ServiceReef.  Here we want to feature your tool to communicate to everyone who has ever served with your organization.  This is an excellent tool to reach out to previous participants (your alumni), and invite them back into new opportunities.  You can target these emails using your custom categories, defining the audience, and selecting a time/date for your emails.  These are powerful tools to help you communicate well to your current and previous participants. 

*These messages can be sent at an Organization Level or at the Opportunity Level. 

Ad Hoc Emails - each organization has an email sender to batch emails to their member audience.  These are great tools to be able to target and send strategic messages.  Here you will find the following tools and filters:

  • Audience - choose to send emails to everyone in your database, trip participants, donors, small group members, and Missional.Life members (you have the ability to view your audience - see image below). NOTE - You are able to select more than one Audience. 
  • Date Range - select the date range for the activity of the above filter
  • Reply To - set the email address for who reply to emails are sent
  • Subject - write your email message
  • Attachment - add files you may need to send members
  • Schedule - choose to send your email immediately or schedule for a future release time/date
  • Test email - we always recommend sending yourself a test email before scheduling an email 


Click Audience Size: To view the recipients of your message. You will see the users first name, last name, email and audience/role. 

Example of Audience Members: